Nov 26, 2012

Instagram & Cats: An Opinion Piece

Can you tell me what the fascination is with the low-qual photo?

I mean, you are the human.  I get that.  I do not cotton to technology, whatever cottoning is said to be.  And normally I'm all for it.  Snap a picture here, giggle over my handsomeness there; I look nothing less than excellent in this tabby suit, I know it.

But the Instagram thing seems to diminish my features, and all the extra grooming efforts I put in are oft all but lost to a primitive circular blur tool.

NOT a Rico Cat
I don't normally post pictures other than of me, but to do so would be to have to forgive you for having a lesser opinion of me after seeing it.  Look at this purraying romantic thing.  This is puurhaps a bad example because there is no tacky tilt shift depth of field illusion, but surely a camera with some kind of camera grip to it might have taken a better shot.  Okay it's not a bad shot.  I'm a bad kitty when it comes to giving examples.

It's convenience?  That's it?  I know nothing of convenience.  Listen:  I'll pose for you as long as you need to go grab your real camera, you snap 10 pictures of me and we'll call it a day.

I call this one: Return of the Meow
I have a great story to tell you about a nightmare I gave one of my people months ago.  But it's far past my naptime.  Tomeowrrow?

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